A Bachelor’s degree is an undergraduate university degree, which corresponds to the 1st cycle of study. After completion of the four-year high school education or equivalent, bachelor studies run for four years and correspond to 240 ECTS credits. The 1st cycle of study leads to the academic title of Bachelor of Science (BSc).
Enrolment into the 1st cycle of study is carried out based on a public call, which is announced in accordance with the Law and the Statute of the University.
Earning a bachelor’s degree starts your journey towards your career, broadens your horizons and deepens your knowledge in an area of study of your choice.
Study at the University is delivered in accordance with the curricula and syllabi adopted by the Senate, upon proposal by the Faculty Council. Students are informed about the curricula and syllabi at the beginning of the academic year, through the faculty notice boards, or the University and faculty’s website, or in other appropriate manner.
Changes to the curricula and syllabi are made in accordance to the same procedure as for their adoption and it cannot be retroactively applied to the students, in terms of imposing additional obligations on students for current academic year or for the academic year that the student successfully completed.
Students from different University faculties can attend particular courses together, if those courses are included in their respective study program curricula and such activity is in accordance with the Standards and Norms.
Part of teaching activities, scientific-research work, practical work and professional work experience can be organized and realized outside the University at other institutions of higher education, public institutions, or other relevant subjects.
Enrollment into University is done in line with the Academic Calendar adopted by the Senate at least 60 days prior to the beginning of lectures, while each faculty can stipulate in its regulations specifics for enrollment into each faculty and publish them on the faculty web site.